Saturday, November 13, 2010

Excited DRUM fills into my LIFE song coming soon...!!!

When ever I listened to a song, drum beat part started striking my mind!!!!
I don't exactly remember what happened before... this started happening....
May be i watched some video on facebook or listened to a good song with drums....
But, that is the point where I started watching some drum videos and listened drum songs.
slowly the interest started trecking up and now I am on PEAKS for drumming!!!

NOW... when I listen a song having drumming sound, my feet 'n' arms swing 'n' dance with the beats.....
I have done good research to buy a decent electronic drum set and finally I ended up with two options in decent budget....
YAMAHA DTXplorer and DTXpress.......Will be buying one of them this month end...
If I remember, last november, I got VISA to fly....This year I'm getting DRUMS to beat.....
Hope I will enjoy this hobby.....wish me all d best for my future drumming....

One more hobby adding to my list....:)
I'm ready with banner saying "Welcome DRUMS...waiting to beat U...!!!!"


  1. that's lovely to hear!
    may your interest turn into a passion..hope you become the next Sivamani! ;)
    good luck Krishna.. :)

  2. The new age drummer.... coming soon :)
