Monday, June 21, 2010

My longest reverse wear....might be flodded with new dresses....:P

I could not believe that I spend complete day wearing my shirt in reverse...:O
Today I wore a shirt in reverse and went to of my colleague asked me "what is the tag back of ur collar? it doesnot look good cut those kind of stickers..." mind has become such dumb even at that time too i could not figure that i wore my shirt in reverse....and I foolishly replied him saying that the model of the shirt is that way.....

Later when I was returning home I was trying to keep my phone in my shirt pocket and i could not find the pocket... :O..Then I realised that i wore my shirt in reverse...:O. Then I was laughing out at myself...
Thank god no one could recognize that i wore shirt in reverse..the shirt model is that way..except the tag at back of collar..:D
Generally if i wear in reverse, my mom used to tell will be getting new dress...:D I will be getting more dresses as i wore in reverse from morning till evening...:P Any ways who will give me dresses? I'm the one who shud buy for myself...shud plan to go for shopping this weekend...:D

- My suggestion is although we can cover such kind of things as new style...shud check before leaving out...:D


  1. Some things are Better reversed, like me :P

  2. LOOL at your suggestion! :D
    it happened with me too once, when i was in my intermediate, i wore the salwar pant reverse! :P
